Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Bolg, a project that surprised me a lot...

I have two blogs in Chinese, but before we started wirting our blogs, I'm still worried about it because I'm not good at free writing in English and I really hate time limited when I'm writing something. As you saw, the first post about skyscraper which we wrote in the lab is a mess, even myself don't want to read it again when I finished. But according to my personality, once I decided to do something, I will push myself to try my best. I made a big change from creating my own blog style. I want to mark it as mine, maybe a little bit special, but that is the only way make me feel that this is my field which I should be responsible. Change the appearance is not the only thing I want, create my own writing style and develop the ability to say what I want to say are the most important points that I try to get. At the beginning, it's not easy to write in a free way because I don't have enough confidence to use the language well. With continuing of this course, the skills which I leart from our practicing help me to get into this project deeper. It's getting easier to do free writing and I wrote longer and longer than before ( Although sometimes longer doesn't mean better...). And I found that it's very interesting to read and leave comments for other classments ( I even get more ideas when I read other's blogs). Blog is a real good way to show a person in a different way, and also a new way to communicate with each other ( I love this part!) I know that the best way to do blog is to do it as early as possible so that you can get more chance to show your idears to more people and discuss, but due to the stressful research project I didn't do it on time...However, I tried to leave comments for your guys early at least~~~As Janor said, I think that keep renewing our blogs is a very good way to practice our English and keep touch with each other, and I hope I can do it for a long time ( although I can not promise...:P)

At last, I want to say thank you to Lili, Adrianne and all of you guys! Advanced two is the most impressible course that I have never experienced before! I leart a lot and have done many projects which I don't believe I can finish alone without your helps. I'll keep the memory in my mind forever!To be the one you want to be because life is too short to be little! Keep hard working and our dreams will come true!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Second part, what a pity……

For me, second part of this course is built by research project...Look back, I found that I almost spent all the time on research project. Discrimination and Engineering the impossible are the only two unit I leart a lot. In discrimination unit, I was shocked by the amazing video which is "Class Divided" that I have already worte a lot about. Engineering the impossible is an interesting unit which made me have a feeling that it seems like I went back to the beginning of this course and studied very hard on superskyscrapers unit. Of course, it's not very difficult as first time, but I still have trouble with technique part. At this time, team work made a big contribution of understanding. We shared our information and helped each other figure out the part we didn't understand very well, and finally worked out all the problems. Although we didn't get the investing, but at least we got a lot of valuable information and skills about how to convince people in an efficient way. That's enough for me. It's very pity that because of the pressure of doing my research paper, I missed three interesting units, that's also what I leart in this course--eventhough I tried to do a good job on an important project, I still need to be responsible for other things of rest of the class. I realized how important they are...

Wai~~~t! I'm not finishing yet~~~!

My Dear friends, please be patient~~~I'm not finishing my post!
I checked all of your blogs, that's amazing! But I don't have time to stamp my footprints yet.
Therefore, please check your blog during next three days and concentrate my blog also.
I have more thing to say~~~~~!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Exam anxiety: I experienced and my self-treatment

At first, I have to say the brochure like "Exam Anxiety" is very helpful for students! Please find and get them, read carefully, not only when you have this kind of problems but also enjoy them when you are relaxing or just take a look when you are waiting bus or on the metro. Because it can help you understand yourself better in order to deal with your problems with confidence in a professional way.

I think I became a sressful person since my childhood, so of course I experienced exam anxiety, a lot. My situation is more likely "a disposition for anxiety" which is mentioned in this brochure. I'm a typical perfectionism. I always try my best on all the thing I decide to do. "Try my best" sound better than "do things perfectly", but in my case, it's even worse than the latter. The reason is, my definition of "try my best" is no limit. Every time even I have tried very hard, I'm still not satisfied with my work because I believe if I didn't do such things like XXXXX, I can do it better. Cautiousness is good, but too much will put me in trouble. My worst period is in high school.

High chool is a hard time for lots of people, but for me, it's not only to use a word "hard" can be described. Young people who are in adolesceny face a lot of change at that time, not only phycial, but also psychological. When such a perfectism as me face a huge amount of work, for sure it will bring a lot of problems. I try to figure out all the problems by myself and desire to find perfectly solution for all of them, but it's almost impossible. In China, there are too many students in one class so that a teacher is unable to take care all the students and we don't have a special institusion such as Healthy Centre to provide useful brochures like this. Based on my personality and a series of completely consideration, I also don't want to talk with my parents and friends to find the right way of finding solution. Therefore, once I was extremely stressful and alway felt anxiety no matter on study or other aspects. It leads to physically pressure such as headache, backache and even epilation by creating lots of tension. Fortunately, I found my own way for relaxation, which is reading. I read and thought a lot during that time and became a deep thinker with liberality and an open mind. And then I walked out of the shadow, although it took me three years to get through.

Now when I'm reading this brovhure, I find all my experiences are included whether symptoms,causes or solutions. In addition, there is another interesting point I find is interesting in my case. When I ecperienced exam anxiety, I couldn't (sometimes even unable) do anything but thinking about the serious situation, but if I do not begin to do something, things are going worse. It's very hard to break through my own defensive line, but I found that the most effective way to reduce exam anxiety is that you have to stop thinking and begin to do something.

That is my experience, I hope it can help you guys a little bit.

Presentation: present what you can control

I'm almost the last one to do my presentation for research project. Some of us think that to be the last one will have a lot of pressure, but for me , I prefer to be the last one because I really learn a lot from people who did presentation before me.

After a long hard working, I finally finished my research paper. Because I really need a good relaxation, I choose to do the presentation later. Maybe all my stress were used up during the period of doing research paper, so I am not as stressful as I was worried before. Actually, I am very enjoy all the presentation that you guys have done, listening to your presentation gave me a lot of ideas about how to do my presentation. Hehe, thanks a lot!:)

When I was preparing my presentation, I found some magic change that surprised me a lot. It may be caused by I put my research paper away for a while so that I really calm down and rethink about my topic. I found a lot of weak points about my paper when I use it to organize the notes for my presentation. I am still not satisfied with my paper so that I decided to do some change for presentation. Firstly, when I wrote my paper, I focus on technique parts. It's very hard to explain a lot of terminology in a presentation which only can last half an hour, so I have to change my keystone to some interesting and easier to be accepted information. I chose an disorder which is a perfect example to explain my topic, eventhough it means that I have to do more research work...Secondly, how to make my powerpoint become more attractive and useful is also a difficult work. According to my topic, it seems that there are not so much intersting and pertinent pictures which I can use for presentation. Anyway, I tried my best to make powerpoint clear and intersting so that it can help you guys understand better. In short, I think my presentation is not too bad although my pronuncition is still a perplexing part that drop my points, I have done my best.

From you guy's presentation, I really learn a lot. How to control the time, how to organize the information and bulid a logic that lead to a smoothly presentation, how to do an interesting introduction, how to handle the question period and even how to do a beautiful powerpoint... I really aprreciate your helpful work! Thanks again my dear friends~~~!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A huge challenge, but I can handle...

Research project is the most challenging academic task I have never had, although my obstinacy make a big contribution to the challenging level, it's still a difficult project. As a survivor of this extremely stressful experience, I have many useful tips that I want to share with you guys...

At beginning of this project, I knew it's not an task that can be dealed with easily. I'm very interested in the way we doing the research paper. Every steps that we prepared for the paper including how to use library and how to find the articles is so intersting that I'm very active to participate in all the activities. But we Lili and Adranne show us the research paper that be done by others before, I'm dumbfounded. It seems like a very formal real assignment that is given to an university student. I wondered how it can be done so perfectly and completely.

Anyway, we have already started. Searching articles on database, finding books in the library, I did everything as the scheduel planned, but I felt perplexed. I didn't feel that I was getting into my topic. Of course, the part of the reason is my topic is a big one which is difficult to find the point I need focus on. When I was doing research in the library, I found that encyclopedia is very useful to narrow topic and give ideas. I was so exciting because I thought I found what is exactly I want to talk about: the relationship between stress and memory. I'm interested in both of the topics, but because memory topic is related with biology field which I'm not familiar with, I gave up memory topic, instead of it, I choose stress as my topic. Now I found that stress and memory have very close relationship that made me so excited that I didn't mention the details about how to exlpore this topic. I just began to search more information about the topic, it's no doubt that I found a lot articles about my toipc and it seems like I was getting the way on my paper.

I thought so at that time, it's not very difficult to read all the materials and to use notes to order the logic and then papers will come out naturally. But when things are really going on, sometimes they are not like what you think they should be. When I finally got starting to write my paper, the more I wrote, the more I felt confused. To my surprise, I found it's very hard to get into my topic without the clear explaination of memory and stress, if I want to explian it clearly,I have to do both topic toghter! But I still thought I could find a solution because it was too late to change topic, so I continued to write untill Tuseday evening, then, I really felt if I want to do a good job, I have to stop working, something wrong with the process. It's a serious situation.

For this reason, I decided to rebuild all my work so that I was abstent two whole days in the library. I know the dangerousness of doing this in university, but I want to give myself a chance to focus on the thing I'm interested in this time. I read a lot about stress and memory, although it has many technique parts that really drives me crazy, I told myself that it's not that hard, I can and have to handle it because it's my choice that I have responsbility. I found a big problem which lead to that I couldn't get into my topic is because too much technique parts I couldn't really understand without helping of rudiments. Therefore, I went to google and found many nonprofessional articles to help me get general idears and to be familiar with some important technique vocabularies. And then, it's much easier to understand journals. I turned off my mobilephone and not to check my E-mail so that I can do my job quietly. After two days hard working, I finally figure out my problem. I felt that I'm ready to go to school because I don't konw what I can say with teachers when I'm not really figure out my problem. (I'm really sorry to Lili and Adranne...) And then all the things are going to the right way eventhough I'm a little bit late that others...

When I talk with Lili and Adranne, I found it's really helpful when discussed with teachers, and I thought what they told me that when students have trouble with their tasks, it's better to ask help form teachers and professors, is right.They are experienced and much more professional that students, they understand what you are trying to do so that they can help you get an easy way of your task. It's saving time. Obviously, I'm not good at asking for help. That is because I have already used to the education model in China. In China, one class has too many students so that it is impossible to help every student in the class for a teacher. I'm trained to figure out own problems by myself from childhood, so I am not even realized that I need help. I do get a lot of knowledge when I deal with the problem alone, but it spent too much time which in fact is not necessary to spend on and it's not allowed to do this in university. Thanks to this extremely stressful experience, now I know what need to do when I face the similar situation next time.

In my case, reaserch project is not finishing yet. To give an interesting presentition on my topic is really hard. But I'm trying to do a good job. I hope that I can get a happy ending~~~



I have never saw a class like Mrs.Jane Elliott taught her students before. I am shocked! As same as Jane's students' thinking, I strongly recommend every school should have this program which can give the most impressive and important lesson about discrimination to students. Although the style of teaching seems a little bit unacceptable, it's absolutly necessary! (Even Jane Elliott herself said that:" Every time I do it I end up with a migraine headache. I absolutly hate this exercise. But the worst of it is that the exercise is as necessary today as it was in 1968.")

I understand the effects of discrimination on children very well because I was experienced during my childhood. I don't want to use such a strong word to my family, but I have to say that I was discriminated by my grademother for a very long time. The only reason that I was discriminated because I am a girl, the only female grandchildren in my family. When I was young, I don't understand why I can't get attention as same as my cousins. As a little kid, I desired the love from my grandmother, but no matter how hard I was trying, I still can not satisfied my grandmother as easy as my cousins. I was so confused and felt being hurt. I thought it's my problem, I'm not good encough to get my grandmother's attention eventhough in fact I did excellently. For a long time accumulating gradually, it became my behaviour. When I do anything I decided to do, I demand myself exactly. I want the thing to be done perfectly without missing any small detail or I'll going crazing about it. I need to be recognized a looooooot then believe that I really did a good job. It's impossible to do everything perpectly, so for a very long time I live with feeling shame and lacking of self-confidence. I was tried all days and diffidence and sometimes even avoid to join groups so that I can stay alone and doing things relaxing. I realized this problem when I was in Middle School, I know it's not good but I couldn't control myself to forget the experience in my childhood. I was anguish and finding the only way that can make me feel better is reading, so I spent a lot of time on reading and thinking in order to rebuild self-confidence and recover my trauma memory. During this period I think I am lucky, because I really learn a lot from reading, thinking and writing, not only know myself better, but also I understand the world and lots of other things from deep thinking. Finally, I found solution by myself and knew what I need, what I want and what is the most important thing I should concentrate on ...Then I really feel that I'm growing up, being stronger and able to control my life.

In my case, although I successfully treat my problem and get many surprise by discovering myself, it's still a very stressful and painful experience that a child should not suffer. When I saw this video, I was shocked. It's really the most efficient way to teach people understanding discrimination through experiencing it by themselves. Nobody has right to judge others untill you know the person very well and never discriminate other people because it will be the most stupid thing that you have done in your life.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I prefer...

Superskyscarpers, language learning, evolution, male/female, happiness, animal experimentation, population, plagiarism... we have already studied many interesting units...

Superskyscarpers, frankly speaking, I never pay attention to this before. I have interests on engineering, not in superskyscrpers, but in historic buildings. At the beginning of this unit, I wondered why we should choose this unit, it focus on specialized field too much. The video which talks about self-rising system made me very confused. I found the video on the internet and spent lots of time on re-listening, but even I heard every single word, I couldn't understand it very clearly because there are too much technical words that I don't know, it drives me crazy . However, at last, I realized that the purpose of studying this unit is not to teach us as engineering students, but give us a way to know how university students do their work and let us understand that how to read English article---even though you don't understand the technical word at all, you will understand the whole article because English author always try their best to explain their main idea to help reader understand clearly. Therefore, I clear my mind and think over the whole video with the backgroud information that I get from reading and discussion, so finally I figure out how self-rising system work. It's not my favorite unit,but I learned something very important about reading, that's what I expect learn from this class.

Language learning, it's a good relaxing after escaped from superskyscarpers:) It's familar to us who are learning English as a second language. I learned how to read an article quickly and understand it very well. It also helps me to know that how to anwser essay questions. The most intersting thing I find in this unit is that through reading and study, I know myself better than before. It pushes me to think what my motivation of studying is and find many intersting facts with studying on myself that I never mention before. It built a clear and completed system about the factors which influence study in my mind so that I can understand my purpose of studying and know how to study efficiently better.

Evolution, which is the unit I like it best, is a wonderful unit to students who study English as a second language, in my opinion. There are two reasons can explain why I choose it as my favorite unit. Firstly, everyone knows Darwin's theory about evolution, so even thought the article have a lot of technical words, we still can understand the whole theory from guess with our rudiments, it's not too difficult but also is a challenge. Second of all, the artical we read is a part of real university text book of Biology. Comparing the knowledge which I get from the artical with my rudiments, I find that it's very ineresting to compare two text books in different countries and different cultures. When I read the article very carefully, it's amazing to know a lot of very useful vocabulary that I expect to know and can help me explain what I want to present better. For this reason, I felt a great sense of achievement after learning this unit. In addition, I learned how write a summary by writing summary for this unit. As stated above, I enjoy learning this unit best.

Male/ female is the most interesting topic that I prefer to study. It's very funny to watch such a wonderful video and free to discuss a lot of interesting question. But maybe we have so much other projects to do, we don't have time to study this topic deeply and carefully. It's a pity that we don't have enough time to study such a interesting topic which is worth to learn.

Happiness unit is the one that I spent lots of time on it. To my surprise, the best part that impact me a lot is to give a definition of happiness. It sounds like everyone konw what is happiness, in fact, it's really very hard to definite this simple but expensive word. The process that figure out a clearly definition of happiness is a way to lead us thinking deeply and to organize or arrange our explosive mind. The big big summary we write for the two articles about happiness was simply like a nightmare to me. The summary is too hard to be done. Even thought I spent five hours on it and wrote a second draft, I'm still not satisfied with it. Nevertheless, it gives me a warm-up practice for doing research paper.

Animal experimentation is also a good unit. I understand the issue very well so that I have a lot of arguments for the debate. Beside, I think that I can control persuasive essay much better than I was in advanced one. I have more freedom to write and not to be limited by plenty of the information I have already get.

Population unit teach me to realize the importance of preparing background inforemation. When I wrote my blog about population, I don't know what I read and thought would be very helpful with my exam. When I watch the video about population, I felt like I got a surprising gift from my own. A lot of useful vocabulary that I learned for my blog are also very useful for video, so I get a wonderful secret which helps me a lot for preparing exams.

Plagiarism unit is a very short but useful one to us. It comes from real document in university and it's better to know these rules as early as possible.

All of the units that we learned is useful to improve our English more or less. Ibelieve that if a person try to do some real study, he or she will alwasys find interesting parts of his or her own favorite.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Public Lecture Project

Frankly speaking, I don't enjoy my lecture very much, it's too short and the professor spoke too fast so that I couldn't understand very well. But I do believe that I did this project successfully and it is useful to me. In my opinion, the purpose of this project is to post us a way that show the real life of university. I went to the lecture and realized something different from my ideal imagination of university life. Firstly, the lecture is not as seriously as I imagine, the professor is a funny guy and the audiences took part in this activity very well, it's interactive and full of friendly atmosphere. Secondly, the purpose of doing lecture in university is not always as academic study. It might be a popularization of some social knowledge and also can be used as a vehicle for propaganda. Moreover, I learned how to choose the lecture I am interested in and how to register for an lecture. In addition, I think lecture project is a good way to lead us to be familiar with university circumstances and even to get some valuable background information about professors either. In short, lecture project is an useful process to prepare for university.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


According to demograghic statistics , China has been placed in a very interesting situation.

My maternal grandparents have five children and my paternal grandparents also have five children. But because of family plan policy that Chinese government implements, I am the only child my parents have . In my case, I hope that I can have two or three children of my own, it's better to have one boy and one girl. One kid in one family is not fair to children, in our generation, at least we have cousin, but next several generation whose parents effected by family plan will be alone after their parents pass away.

China have about 1.3 billion people (1,321,851,888 as of mid-2007) now, hugh population bring lots of problems such as environment can not afford whole demand of society, unbalance sex ratio and higher class polarizes with lower class. As a result, Chinese government implements famliy plan to control increasing population. So far from starting family plan, it helped effectively.

Generally, the population in rural areas is more than population in urban areas. That is because people who live in urban areas have more chances to get high education, they realize that having children means a lot of responsbility, so they tend to work hard for a higher level life condition and have less children. In contrast,people who live in rural areas have lower education so that they think in traditional way that big family with more offspring (especially male offspring) means happiness and successful life . But in fact, many rural family can not afford these children due to poor financial condition. In addition, choosing sex of babies artificially lead to unbalance sex ratio that result every 119 boys are born for 100 girls, it means that millions of men may live as frustrated bachelors by 2020. However, increasing transient population are changing this condition and creat many new problems.

China population is the most important part of total amount population in the world. We will see what will happen in the future.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Alias Grace

It is true that a sentence on the back cover of this novel show to me:"The novel and its characters will continue to haunt the reader long after the final page."
I am such a bookworm before I came to Montreal. I enjoy reading since I was very young and I was crazy about reading and finding books during my high school period. But when I came here, I flinched by bookstore. Not only because of the extremely expensive price of books, but also I was afraid of reading real English books---the length and too many new words threatened me. This kind of situation continued until I encountered with ALIAS GRACE...
When Adrianne gave the introduction of all the books, I had a hard time to make the choice. I'm not very interested in murder and mystery story and none of the authors I am familiar with. I decided to check them on the internet (eventhough Agrianne asked that did not check )...But I forgot...Therefore, I had to choose one that looked like interesting. I picked ALIAS GRACE because I remembered that Adrianne recommended the style of writing very strongly.


At the beginning , I was confused by too many different descriptive methods---episodic memory of Grace Mark, newspapers report, interview, poetry that is full of darkly hints...I tried to figure out the whole event clearly but I can't so that I even thought it was the worst reading experience that I have ever had. I was so upset that I couldn't finish the first part during the weekend. When we discussed on Monday, Tomas explain me some things that made my mind clear, so I pushed myself to read quickly and jumped some details which are not very important.


Lili told us that the first part of all the novels is difficult to read...that's right. I kept reading and found that it became much more interesting than before. When I finished half of the book, I addicted unconsciously. What interesting is that I was attracted by the writing style of Margaret Atwood rather than the story. She uses very beautiful language to describe, sometimes I don't even konw I'm in the story or not. However, I still have trouble with complicated clues...Atwood created a amazing charactar---Grace mark,with a very conflicting behaviour. I really enjoy following her narrative that recalled her life, stand in Grace's view, many opinions illumined me...


One week is too short to read such a beautiful literature, it's worth to be read for several times...

Class discusstion really helps me to understand the story better, and you will know that it's not only you feel very pressure to finish this huge book in one week...
Writing book review gives me a chance to unscramble my thoughts and finds out the most important points of the book. It's difficult,but I feel good after I finish it.
I'm not satisfied with my oral presentation, terrible pronunciation is always a problem but what I really care about is that I didn't express the things that I want to share with you guys clearly enough...Forgive my poor English,if you have time,please be patient and read ALIAS GRACE slowly.I hope that you will enjoy it.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

About critical thinking lecture

The critical thinking lecture that was given by Amanda Strong showed us some general ideas about critical thinking.The main point that I got from the lecture is how to analyze the sources of information.Amanda introduced us about ordinary categories of information sources and prepared a lot of questions which are very useful to guide us finding out the importance of konwing that where does the information come from,who makes it,what's the purposes of making this information,what kind of information it is,what kind of ways that author uses to attract audience and is the information credibility ect.From all the works we did in the lecture,I got to konw what critically is and I'm trying to use cratical thinking when I do some reading.It's really useful.I don't konw that it's the first time Amanda give lecture like this or not,but I found that she was a little bit nervous,maybe because of the camera problem.To be very frank,I didn't enjoy the lecture very much,it's too long and a little bit boring.Or it may because that I didn't prepared well for listening this long lecture.( Altough I really enjoy the long lectures about health problems that was given by Owen.)But no matter what, still thanks Amanda Strong gave us a lot of useful information about critical thinking.

Differences of between man and woman.

I enjoy watching this video.It explains scientific study in a very interesting way and uses a series of experimentes to lead us thinking about differences between man and woman.In my opinion,studying the differences between man and woman is not to compare and choose which one is better,the purpose of this study is that understanding more different characteristics of man and women to make them get along with each other easily.According my own experience,my parents used not to treat me as a girl,they asked me keep main characteristics of girl's and also absorbed some good traits of boy's such as thinking rationally,be strong and brave.Before I watch this video,I never noticed that women speak so indirectly and men are so active in party.It's very interesting to observe that as a outlier.

Women in Power:Finding Wardrobe Balance

In artical 'Women in Power: Finding Wardrobe Balance' in THE WALL STREET JOURNAL,author focus on the dressing style of high-ranking women in policy and business.More and more female leaders play important role in society,due to unwritten rules,"their appearence at work should be attractive but not alluring,feminine but not girly,strong but not severe." Based on the premiss of doing busniess---look good,women leaders have to keep balance between their daily dress and working dress.As a result,female leaders are more difficult than male to find out suitable dress for working. Many business women consider to choose practical dress ,such as suits and jackets,and not wear make-up which is more convenient for working.Fashion designers also devote to find vaiously suitable designs for women leaders.

In my opinion,dress should not be a trouble that bloke women doing well with their job.Appearence is important to show style and features of a person,but it's not the principal factor that can measure achievements and abilities.As a woman leader, you should wear nice which means wearing the cloth suit yourself in an official situation.It doesn't need to be very expensive and perfectly.Even though your dress isn't very nice,if you do a wonderful job,people will get a good impression on you instead of first sight.Consequnently,be clean and smiling which is the best make-up for women,working hard and trying your best to deal with problems intelligently,you'll succeed and win a beautiful voctory in your career.

Sorry,I'm late!

During last two weeks,my wireless router didn't work well.Finally I repaired it yesterday.Now,I can go on my blog journey again.Sorry for waiting a long time,I'll catch up with you guys soon~~~!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Learning a second language.

In my opinion,motivation is the most important factor for studying.Motivation to study English as my second language is interesing.I was not interesting in English for a long time.In fact,I study learning English since I was in middel school.But from the beginning that I learned it,I didn't like it.Because the reason why we learned English is only for exam.Especially the way we learned--memorizing grammar rules and vocabulary,is the most boring and stupid thing but we have to do.I feel very confused that if we don't use it in our social life,why we have to learn it?To study useless thing waste time and our life.After I graduated from high school,I emancipate from the stupidest way to learn English.I decided to rebuild interest of English by my own way when I chose to go aboard.I start watching English movies and soon, I fell in love with 'Friends'.I desire to learn more because I want to understand more about 'Friends'.I kept watching for a long time,then I gladly found that I got my interesting on English back and a new world about language learning spread in front of my eyes.Now, I'm working hard on English learning and I want to try learn French as well.In short,I konw a thing because I want to konw it and how much I know depend on how much I desire to konw,so please try to find your interesting and enjoy your learning.:)

Thursday, January 17, 2008


I don't think that building super high skyscrapers is a good idea to keep the balance of ecological environment.It's a huge building that we never had before.It must have some effect to the environment,such as,humidity and temporature.It will not only change the environment surround by the buliding but also change the way that people live.People are a part of nutural,they should keep touch with the natural all the time.Skyscrapers make people's life too convient to work harder.