Sunday, March 16, 2008

Exam anxiety: I experienced and my self-treatment

At first, I have to say the brochure like "Exam Anxiety" is very helpful for students! Please find and get them, read carefully, not only when you have this kind of problems but also enjoy them when you are relaxing or just take a look when you are waiting bus or on the metro. Because it can help you understand yourself better in order to deal with your problems with confidence in a professional way.

I think I became a sressful person since my childhood, so of course I experienced exam anxiety, a lot. My situation is more likely "a disposition for anxiety" which is mentioned in this brochure. I'm a typical perfectionism. I always try my best on all the thing I decide to do. "Try my best" sound better than "do things perfectly", but in my case, it's even worse than the latter. The reason is, my definition of "try my best" is no limit. Every time even I have tried very hard, I'm still not satisfied with my work because I believe if I didn't do such things like XXXXX, I can do it better. Cautiousness is good, but too much will put me in trouble. My worst period is in high school.

High chool is a hard time for lots of people, but for me, it's not only to use a word "hard" can be described. Young people who are in adolesceny face a lot of change at that time, not only phycial, but also psychological. When such a perfectism as me face a huge amount of work, for sure it will bring a lot of problems. I try to figure out all the problems by myself and desire to find perfectly solution for all of them, but it's almost impossible. In China, there are too many students in one class so that a teacher is unable to take care all the students and we don't have a special institusion such as Healthy Centre to provide useful brochures like this. Based on my personality and a series of completely consideration, I also don't want to talk with my parents and friends to find the right way of finding solution. Therefore, once I was extremely stressful and alway felt anxiety no matter on study or other aspects. It leads to physically pressure such as headache, backache and even epilation by creating lots of tension. Fortunately, I found my own way for relaxation, which is reading. I read and thought a lot during that time and became a deep thinker with liberality and an open mind. And then I walked out of the shadow, although it took me three years to get through.

Now when I'm reading this brovhure, I find all my experiences are included whether symptoms,causes or solutions. In addition, there is another interesting point I find is interesting in my case. When I ecperienced exam anxiety, I couldn't (sometimes even unable) do anything but thinking about the serious situation, but if I do not begin to do something, things are going worse. It's very hard to break through my own defensive line, but I found that the most effective way to reduce exam anxiety is that you have to stop thinking and begin to do something.

That is my experience, I hope it can help you guys a little bit.

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