Saturday, February 16, 2008


According to demograghic statistics , China has been placed in a very interesting situation.

My maternal grandparents have five children and my paternal grandparents also have five children. But because of family plan policy that Chinese government implements, I am the only child my parents have . In my case, I hope that I can have two or three children of my own, it's better to have one boy and one girl. One kid in one family is not fair to children, in our generation, at least we have cousin, but next several generation whose parents effected by family plan will be alone after their parents pass away.

China have about 1.3 billion people (1,321,851,888 as of mid-2007) now, hugh population bring lots of problems such as environment can not afford whole demand of society, unbalance sex ratio and higher class polarizes with lower class. As a result, Chinese government implements famliy plan to control increasing population. So far from starting family plan, it helped effectively.

Generally, the population in rural areas is more than population in urban areas. That is because people who live in urban areas have more chances to get high education, they realize that having children means a lot of responsbility, so they tend to work hard for a higher level life condition and have less children. In contrast,people who live in rural areas have lower education so that they think in traditional way that big family with more offspring (especially male offspring) means happiness and successful life . But in fact, many rural family can not afford these children due to poor financial condition. In addition, choosing sex of babies artificially lead to unbalance sex ratio that result every 119 boys are born for 100 girls, it means that millions of men may live as frustrated bachelors by 2020. However, increasing transient population are changing this condition and creat many new problems.

China population is the most important part of total amount population in the world. We will see what will happen in the future.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Alias Grace

It is true that a sentence on the back cover of this novel show to me:"The novel and its characters will continue to haunt the reader long after the final page."
I am such a bookworm before I came to Montreal. I enjoy reading since I was very young and I was crazy about reading and finding books during my high school period. But when I came here, I flinched by bookstore. Not only because of the extremely expensive price of books, but also I was afraid of reading real English books---the length and too many new words threatened me. This kind of situation continued until I encountered with ALIAS GRACE...
When Adrianne gave the introduction of all the books, I had a hard time to make the choice. I'm not very interested in murder and mystery story and none of the authors I am familiar with. I decided to check them on the internet (eventhough Agrianne asked that did not check )...But I forgot...Therefore, I had to choose one that looked like interesting. I picked ALIAS GRACE because I remembered that Adrianne recommended the style of writing very strongly.


At the beginning , I was confused by too many different descriptive methods---episodic memory of Grace Mark, newspapers report, interview, poetry that is full of darkly hints...I tried to figure out the whole event clearly but I can't so that I even thought it was the worst reading experience that I have ever had. I was so upset that I couldn't finish the first part during the weekend. When we discussed on Monday, Tomas explain me some things that made my mind clear, so I pushed myself to read quickly and jumped some details which are not very important.


Lili told us that the first part of all the novels is difficult to read...that's right. I kept reading and found that it became much more interesting than before. When I finished half of the book, I addicted unconsciously. What interesting is that I was attracted by the writing style of Margaret Atwood rather than the story. She uses very beautiful language to describe, sometimes I don't even konw I'm in the story or not. However, I still have trouble with complicated clues...Atwood created a amazing charactar---Grace mark,with a very conflicting behaviour. I really enjoy following her narrative that recalled her life, stand in Grace's view, many opinions illumined me...


One week is too short to read such a beautiful literature, it's worth to be read for several times...

Class discusstion really helps me to understand the story better, and you will know that it's not only you feel very pressure to finish this huge book in one week...
Writing book review gives me a chance to unscramble my thoughts and finds out the most important points of the book. It's difficult,but I feel good after I finish it.
I'm not satisfied with my oral presentation, terrible pronunciation is always a problem but what I really care about is that I didn't express the things that I want to share with you guys clearly enough...Forgive my poor English,if you have time,please be patient and read ALIAS GRACE slowly.I hope that you will enjoy it.