Sunday, February 3, 2008

Differences of between man and woman.

I enjoy watching this video.It explains scientific study in a very interesting way and uses a series of experimentes to lead us thinking about differences between man and woman.In my opinion,studying the differences between man and woman is not to compare and choose which one is better,the purpose of this study is that understanding more different characteristics of man and women to make them get along with each other easily.According my own experience,my parents used not to treat me as a girl,they asked me keep main characteristics of girl's and also absorbed some good traits of boy's such as thinking rationally,be strong and brave.Before I watch this video,I never noticed that women speak so indirectly and men are so active in party.It's very interesting to observe that as a outlier.


Jarno said...

I did not find any boy's traits on you, Helen(: Actually, I do believe that female are getting forward to the Times. We are stronger, braver, mindeder and much better than you thought!

Helen said...

Haha,it's because you don't konw me when I was in middle school...At that time,I had very short hair cut and dressed like a boy.Even my teacher didn't believe that I am a girl for a long time.I totally agree with what you said.We are strong,brave,smarte and mindeder.That also are what I am trying to be all the time.But now,I think I'd better to be more feminine,at least appearently,or I'm afraid that I even could not find a boyfriend...;)