Sunday, March 16, 2008

Presentation: present what you can control

I'm almost the last one to do my presentation for research project. Some of us think that to be the last one will have a lot of pressure, but for me , I prefer to be the last one because I really learn a lot from people who did presentation before me.

After a long hard working, I finally finished my research paper. Because I really need a good relaxation, I choose to do the presentation later. Maybe all my stress were used up during the period of doing research paper, so I am not as stressful as I was worried before. Actually, I am very enjoy all the presentation that you guys have done, listening to your presentation gave me a lot of ideas about how to do my presentation. Hehe, thanks a lot!:)

When I was preparing my presentation, I found some magic change that surprised me a lot. It may be caused by I put my research paper away for a while so that I really calm down and rethink about my topic. I found a lot of weak points about my paper when I use it to organize the notes for my presentation. I am still not satisfied with my paper so that I decided to do some change for presentation. Firstly, when I wrote my paper, I focus on technique parts. It's very hard to explain a lot of terminology in a presentation which only can last half an hour, so I have to change my keystone to some interesting and easier to be accepted information. I chose an disorder which is a perfect example to explain my topic, eventhough it means that I have to do more research work...Secondly, how to make my powerpoint become more attractive and useful is also a difficult work. According to my topic, it seems that there are not so much intersting and pertinent pictures which I can use for presentation. Anyway, I tried my best to make powerpoint clear and intersting so that it can help you guys understand better. In short, I think my presentation is not too bad although my pronuncition is still a perplexing part that drop my points, I have done my best.

From you guy's presentation, I really learn a lot. How to control the time, how to organize the information and bulid a logic that lead to a smoothly presentation, how to do an interesting introduction, how to handle the question period and even how to do a beautiful powerpoint... I really aprreciate your helpful work! Thanks again my dear friends~~~!

1 comment:

jung said...

what a coincidence!!
you experienced same magical thing that I also experienced. by putting away my paper, I could find some weakpoint aswell..^^ magic.. isnt it? anyway, ur presentation and ppt was great!!helen!!^^