Saturday, February 16, 2008


According to demograghic statistics , China has been placed in a very interesting situation.

My maternal grandparents have five children and my paternal grandparents also have five children. But because of family plan policy that Chinese government implements, I am the only child my parents have . In my case, I hope that I can have two or three children of my own, it's better to have one boy and one girl. One kid in one family is not fair to children, in our generation, at least we have cousin, but next several generation whose parents effected by family plan will be alone after their parents pass away.

China have about 1.3 billion people (1,321,851,888 as of mid-2007) now, hugh population bring lots of problems such as environment can not afford whole demand of society, unbalance sex ratio and higher class polarizes with lower class. As a result, Chinese government implements famliy plan to control increasing population. So far from starting family plan, it helped effectively.

Generally, the population in rural areas is more than population in urban areas. That is because people who live in urban areas have more chances to get high education, they realize that having children means a lot of responsbility, so they tend to work hard for a higher level life condition and have less children. In contrast,people who live in rural areas have lower education so that they think in traditional way that big family with more offspring (especially male offspring) means happiness and successful life . But in fact, many rural family can not afford these children due to poor financial condition. In addition, choosing sex of babies artificially lead to unbalance sex ratio that result every 119 boys are born for 100 girls, it means that millions of men may live as frustrated bachelors by 2020. However, increasing transient population are changing this condition and creat many new problems.

China population is the most important part of total amount population in the world. We will see what will happen in the future.


303236257 said...

you are so fast . yes you are right. one child policy help china decrease the population exporing. but another problem create is that one couple need to feed hole family include both parents and their children what should we do to deal with this problem

Tomas said...

Ei Helen,
Wow, I didn´t know that in China the sex of babys could be chosen artificially. I guess that if there are more males than females there´s going to be a decrease of the population size during the next decades. But, could you tell me what is, in your opinion, the reason why people prefer to choose males than females?

Helen said...

Well, you konw in Chinese traditional view, people think that males mean farm labors who are the main undertaker of financial support in the whole family, so more males offspring mean that this family will have more people to earn money so that can be a rich family.In addition, many parents believe that after their daughter get married, she will become her husband's family member and live in other's family so that not belong to them any more.As a result,many parents prefer to choose having male babies.But now this kind of situation is changing by development of Chinese social condition,so I think it will be better than before.

Jarno said...

Sure it will be better than before, since we still have our old generations like grandparents or even older. Some of them still prefer boys so that as their daughters or daughters-in-law, it might not to be a nice situation when they have a girl-baby.

Davidwang said...

i would like to say, i like this article in terms of using the vocabulary,such as implement,class polarizes,transient.
i mean these words give me good impression of the article cuz these words are very accurate and proper. "people think that males mean farm labors who are the main undertaker of financial support in the whole family," i dont agree with u, women are great worker,have u ever heard that~ haha

Jarno said...

Ja~I just want to say different people have different opinions from different sides. Old generations do believe that male can do better than female, but is that ture?

Helen said...

yes, I actually mean that in a traditional view...about the vocabulary,I look up some of them in dictionary,I don't know that before and I'm so lucky because I find that are useful in our exam...:)