Wednesday, March 5, 2008



I have never saw a class like Mrs.Jane Elliott taught her students before. I am shocked! As same as Jane's students' thinking, I strongly recommend every school should have this program which can give the most impressive and important lesson about discrimination to students. Although the style of teaching seems a little bit unacceptable, it's absolutly necessary! (Even Jane Elliott herself said that:" Every time I do it I end up with a migraine headache. I absolutly hate this exercise. But the worst of it is that the exercise is as necessary today as it was in 1968.")

I understand the effects of discrimination on children very well because I was experienced during my childhood. I don't want to use such a strong word to my family, but I have to say that I was discriminated by my grademother for a very long time. The only reason that I was discriminated because I am a girl, the only female grandchildren in my family. When I was young, I don't understand why I can't get attention as same as my cousins. As a little kid, I desired the love from my grandmother, but no matter how hard I was trying, I still can not satisfied my grandmother as easy as my cousins. I was so confused and felt being hurt. I thought it's my problem, I'm not good encough to get my grandmother's attention eventhough in fact I did excellently. For a long time accumulating gradually, it became my behaviour. When I do anything I decided to do, I demand myself exactly. I want the thing to be done perfectly without missing any small detail or I'll going crazing about it. I need to be recognized a looooooot then believe that I really did a good job. It's impossible to do everything perpectly, so for a very long time I live with feeling shame and lacking of self-confidence. I was tried all days and diffidence and sometimes even avoid to join groups so that I can stay alone and doing things relaxing. I realized this problem when I was in Middle School, I know it's not good but I couldn't control myself to forget the experience in my childhood. I was anguish and finding the only way that can make me feel better is reading, so I spent a lot of time on reading and thinking in order to rebuild self-confidence and recover my trauma memory. During this period I think I am lucky, because I really learn a lot from reading, thinking and writing, not only know myself better, but also I understand the world and lots of other things from deep thinking. Finally, I found solution by myself and knew what I need, what I want and what is the most important thing I should concentrate on ...Then I really feel that I'm growing up, being stronger and able to control my life.

In my case, although I successfully treat my problem and get many surprise by discovering myself, it's still a very stressful and painful experience that a child should not suffer. When I saw this video, I was shocked. It's really the most efficient way to teach people understanding discrimination through experiencing it by themselves. Nobody has right to judge others untill you know the person very well and never discriminate other people because it will be the most stupid thing that you have done in your life.


Tomas said...
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Tomas said...

Hi Helen,

I had an experience very similar to yours, for some years I annalysed some features of my behaviour and personality that made me suffer and made me loss my self confidence, somehow, I changed somethings after a period of reflexion, introspection and reading and thinking a lot...I guess it´s something normal during the transition for being and adult...well, what I wonder Helen is...Do you think that your grandma was discriminated during her childhood the same way she did against you?

Zicas said...

Hi Helen,
Actually, I agree with u concerning the problem of the Discrimination. I aslo had an experience while i was young. Its ofcourse because i was very fat, not very much :-D, but after some encouraging and self confidence everything go ok, so i think that everyone have to believe in hisself and to be very confident of himself......

Helen said...

Tomas, may be you are right! My grandmother probably was discriminated by others because of her gender so that she thought it's normal to do this to me.Anyway, I forgive her.I do get some other benefic from this experience. It's all over...